Manage and memorize the Web pages, images and other files you opened or used in a previous browsing session by adding notes, bookmarks and photo clips to the dedicated suite remembering user activity. It is compatible with all common browsers and works in the background.
This program was developed to simplify the administration of your events and reminders. It's an easy way to digitalize your paper notes. This application's interface is innovative, graphically-intense and user friendly. It's simple to use and highly customizable.
Post-It Digital Notes features include: Create post it notes, sort them by categories, personalize and design notes, insert photos and associate images with websites, applications or files, make lists and reminders, set alarms and add sounds, administrate a virtual memoboard and minimize or hide notes, locate notes by special searches, back up notes and memoboards, use hotkeys.
After installing the program an icon is shown on your task bar. By clicking on it, you gain access to diverse features: Create a new note, find notes, view and set alarm list, set templates for notes, access and personalize memoboards, tools and preferences as default format options, notepad display, select sounds, administrate trash notes, connections, updates,and help display. This program is much more complete than other similar tools. more
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